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Friday, 26 April 2013

According to; `(`Emma Clark`), John J. Macionis and Linda M. Gerber (Sixth Canadian Edition Sociology), (Batul Nafisa Baxamusa) this is what they said ;
      The five major agents of socialization are; family, school, peer groups, gender and media. 

  Family are automatically around us from birth, and this continues to death.  Family is expected to teach their children from right to wrong, values within one self, as well within the family, as well as  body and emotional restrictions.  

  School from day one teaches children to get along within their own social group, as well as people who are not within their social group.  Children keep relationships with other children who tend to have the same values, expectations, beliefs, along with other children who were brought up the same way.  Children who are not brought up the same way may interact with one another, but their bond may not be as strong because of different raising techniques.  In the education system, teachers teach their students to get along with other classmates by pairing them together in a group, this teaches children that not everyone is raised the same, and everyone has different ways of living, which includes how they act, think, feel, and believe, and that we cannot control it therefore we must treat everyone as an equal.  We base our peer  group on what we think is correct; if a family is very religious, there is a huge chance that that child’s friends will be religious also, most likely the same religion as the first child. 
    Peer groups;
    As the child gets older, his or her range of friends will most likely change  which means that some of their friends may not be of the same religion, or may not be religious at all.  Even though it is possible for a child to have a friend or two that do not have the same views on most things, for the most part their peers will have the same interests as your child.  This change does not switch overnight, as the child gets older, more mature, and responsible the parents will give them more freedom, giving the child to expand his peer group, because he is now able to chose who he wants to be friends with.  

       As we get older, we no longer just have peers who are the same gender as we are, females begin to have male friends, and males begin to have female friends. The gender we surround our self more of; we will tend to have more of those qualities then if we were to hang out with a different gender.  For example if a family has four children in it, the oldest three are girls and are quite older than their little brother the brother will enjoy dressing up, playing with high heel shoes, experiments with makeup, this is because the brother does not know any better, this is what his older sisters do, and his mother most likely does as well, this is what he is used to.  Before children were set into `roles`, boys were looked at to be more violent, where girls were looked at to be more soft, caring, but nowadays, it is common for men and females to have the same title for a job, before women would take the year off after having a child, but now some men take the year off, or some of the year off - this change took a long time to happen, but because of the war people realized that no gender really has no  set job.    

     Media, a great factor in children`s life, usually shown to them  much too early; Media, effects gender. In movies, and television shows that are created for kids can send off the wrong message such as; one gender should act one way, where the other gender should not act this way at all, a certain way that genders – more so females should look like, or that a female will need a male to make her happy, or to help her out of a problem or a sad time in her life.  Media becomes more involved in our life`s as we are growing up, it just happens to be a period of time where we feel the need to be accepted, and  liked, by everyone.  Media becomes such a large factor in kid`s life because it is everywhere; movies, television shows, songs, the radio and  when commercials are playing.  Studies show that children under the age of three are watching television, and should stop all together.   Although family plays a big part, media once children are older becomes more of an importance than what the family has taught their child because of the fear of not belonging to a certain group.  Although women seem very stereotypical in tv shows, movies, commericals, it is slowly changing to that women are getting more important roles, and are they are being looked at differently. 

John J. Macionis and Linda M. Gerber (Sixth Canadian Edition Sociology)

Emma Clark

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