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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Nature versus nurture is a common discussion in the sociological world, to which most sociologists usually prefer the theory of nurture. Yet some still believe that it is in our genes.  A test was done, or experiment rather, to discover what the answer truly was, and the only way was to use biologically identical twins, and the proof was evident as the twins met up some thirty years later, and discovered that they were totally different according to Joe Richmond.

Monday, 29 April 2013

  According to the Canadian Government, the top two essential skills for young people are Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking.  ("Human Resources and Skills Development Canada").  Amanda Morln – a blogger also agrees with the Canadian Government that Communication is in fact an essential skill for children to obtain. In her article she does not talk about communication via the internet, phone, or texting, she uses her example with children speaking one on one with other people therefore talking about Oral Communication.  (Morln).  Just like the Canadian Government Prokerla also agrees that one of the essential skills that children must develop is Critical Thinking  ("PROKERALA KIDS")  Positive Articles also say that Communication is very important for when a person wants to communicate wants, needs, wishes, as well as thoughts.  (Uebergang). 
    If these social skills are not met at an early age, it will impact the child`s future – they will require extra support when dealing with anxiety, as well as stress.  Without this extra support it will be greatly difficult for them to share, solve problems on their own, cope with anger, and sharing will also be difficult. (Rae). Which is why social skills are the last essential skill for children to have.

  Having social skills helps children to be mature, and have personalities that will be accepted by society, having these skills will provide the confidence, and the capability to succeed in life.  ( ‘Prokerla Kids ‘ )  Without the proper social skills children will be more at risk to be rejected by other peers, behavior problems, low academic achievement. (Gilliam & Shahar, 2006).  Good Social Skills helps us to be able to function in life, how to make good decisions, what to say in different situations, how to act in the proper way in situations.

Socialization is term which in a view of sociologists defines how an individual will develop certain norms, values, symbols and language by being a part of a group  can aid someone to become who they are as an individual after communicating with others which helps in the development of understanding someone else’s culture and creates it as your own culture.
De- Socialization is when someone is removed from their cultural environment.
An example of De-Socialization is when you have someone imprisoned and confined, which would isolate them from their culture.
American Psychological Association (APA):

DE-SOCIALIZATION. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from website: SOCIALIZATION

Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
DE-SOCIALIZATION. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. SOCIALIZATION (accessed: April 29, 2013).

Modern Language Association (MLA):
"DE-SOCIALIZATION." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 29 Apr. 2013. < SOCIALIZATION>.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "DE-SOCIALIZATION," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. SOCIALIZATION. Available: Accessed: April 29, 2013.

It is the process of learning new attitudes and norms, which is required for a new social role in society
American Psychological Association (APA):

Re-socialization. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from website: socialization

Chicago Manual Style (CMS):

Re-socialization. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. socialization (accessed: April 29, 2013).

Modern Language Association (MLA):

"Re-socialization." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 29 Apr. 2013. < socialization>.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "Re-socialization," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. socialization. Available: Accessed: April 29, 2013.

Anticipatory socialization
This is the process of when someone does research on a type of culture before they decide whether they will partake in this culture, organization or different social group. (Liden)
Liden, Daniel. "wiseGEEK." wiseGEEk clear answers for common questions. N.p.. Web. 29 Apr 2013. <

Pierre Bourdieus' perspective on media is that we are socializing more however in a very disconnected manner. We are no longer subject to geographical boundaries or censors. Using technology we can connect in seconds to anyone, anywhere. Socializing in a field where prestige or financial standing no longer play large rolls. We are evolving roles and relationships that were not known before. 

The sociological study of school and education began with Émile Durkheim and his work on moral education. Focusing on public schools in industrialized societies, as well as secondary education. The socialization that occurs at school is often with peer groups, however some is with authoritative figures such as teachers and principals. At school people learn to develop skills based on their needs and abilities. 

Socialization is when a human infant begins to learn necessary skills as a functioning part in society, it's considered the most influential learning process. Humans need actual social experience to learn their culture and how to survive, unlike animals that get it through their instincts. Cultural variability is learned by actions, customs, and behaviours of societies. The most important expression culture is found within each individual. This can only happen after the individual has been socialized by family, friends, and other surrounding people. The reflect process is just continuing on and on. According to many scientists, socialization is the learning process throughout life and is one of the main influences on behaviour, beliefs and actions.
Carol Gilligan (Gender)
Carol Gilligan compared the moral development of boys and girls. She said boys rely on formal rules to know what if right or wrong while girls rely on care and responsibility when judging a situation that is about a personal relationship.
She also studied the effect that gender has on self-esteem. According to Gilligan, societies can be blamed that girls lose their self-esteem during adolescence because of female authority. Once through adolescence girls try to regain their self-esteem, because female authority has gotten less and now they have more male authorities.
Judith R. Harrison ( Peer Groups)
According to Harrison, a child's personality is determined by the people that one self is surrounded by while growing up. Parents behaviour does not effect the child's personality while maturing. 
Also according to Harrison it is beneficial to surround yourself not only with family, but also interact with lots of other people for it's beneficial in the future for success. Already existing genetic similarities between parents and their children, it is important to have other outer influences on one's character to further diversity of the character.
Pierre Bourdieu ( Family )
According to Sociologists Pierre Bourdieu, we inherit dispositions; such as ; manner, vocabulary and bodily behaviour from our family. This often determines the type of social interactions one feels comfortable with. Our family's position in society affects our life-chances, so there is never equality at birth. Parents in different social classes will raise their children differently, often teaching them skills that would be most useful in a job position similar to their own.

Friday, 26 April 2013

According to; `(`Emma Clark`), John J. Macionis and Linda M. Gerber (Sixth Canadian Edition Sociology), (Batul Nafisa Baxamusa) this is what they said ;
      The five major agents of socialization are; family, school, peer groups, gender and media. 

  Family are automatically around us from birth, and this continues to death.  Family is expected to teach their children from right to wrong, values within one self, as well within the family, as well as  body and emotional restrictions.  

  School from day one teaches children to get along within their own social group, as well as people who are not within their social group.  Children keep relationships with other children who tend to have the same values, expectations, beliefs, along with other children who were brought up the same way.  Children who are not brought up the same way may interact with one another, but their bond may not be as strong because of different raising techniques.  In the education system, teachers teach their students to get along with other classmates by pairing them together in a group, this teaches children that not everyone is raised the same, and everyone has different ways of living, which includes how they act, think, feel, and believe, and that we cannot control it therefore we must treat everyone as an equal.  We base our peer  group on what we think is correct; if a family is very religious, there is a huge chance that that child’s friends will be religious also, most likely the same religion as the first child. 
    Peer groups;
    As the child gets older, his or her range of friends will most likely change  which means that some of their friends may not be of the same religion, or may not be religious at all.  Even though it is possible for a child to have a friend or two that do not have the same views on most things, for the most part their peers will have the same interests as your child.  This change does not switch overnight, as the child gets older, more mature, and responsible the parents will give them more freedom, giving the child to expand his peer group, because he is now able to chose who he wants to be friends with.  

       As we get older, we no longer just have peers who are the same gender as we are, females begin to have male friends, and males begin to have female friends. The gender we surround our self more of; we will tend to have more of those qualities then if we were to hang out with a different gender.  For example if a family has four children in it, the oldest three are girls and are quite older than their little brother the brother will enjoy dressing up, playing with high heel shoes, experiments with makeup, this is because the brother does not know any better, this is what his older sisters do, and his mother most likely does as well, this is what he is used to.  Before children were set into `roles`, boys were looked at to be more violent, where girls were looked at to be more soft, caring, but nowadays, it is common for men and females to have the same title for a job, before women would take the year off after having a child, but now some men take the year off, or some of the year off - this change took a long time to happen, but because of the war people realized that no gender really has no  set job.    

     Media, a great factor in children`s life, usually shown to them  much too early; Media, effects gender. In movies, and television shows that are created for kids can send off the wrong message such as; one gender should act one way, where the other gender should not act this way at all, a certain way that genders – more so females should look like, or that a female will need a male to make her happy, or to help her out of a problem or a sad time in her life.  Media becomes more involved in our life`s as we are growing up, it just happens to be a period of time where we feel the need to be accepted, and  liked, by everyone.  Media becomes such a large factor in kid`s life because it is everywhere; movies, television shows, songs, the radio and  when commercials are playing.  Studies show that children under the age of three are watching television, and should stop all together.   Although family plays a big part, media once children are older becomes more of an importance than what the family has taught their child because of the fear of not belonging to a certain group.  Although women seem very stereotypical in tv shows, movies, commericals, it is slowly changing to that women are getting more important roles, and are they are being looked at differently. 

John J. Macionis and Linda M. Gerber (Sixth Canadian Edition Sociology)

Emma Clark